In our shop in Tilburg you will find (almmost) everything in relationship to HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts), sword fighting, reenactment and living history. The advantage of a visit over ordering through our webshop, is that you can try out and try on products on the spot. Such as feders and protection for HEMA, swords, clothing, shoes.
Of course you can also do this at markets where we are present, whether we are in a hall or with our blue-white tent on a field. Obviously not our complete shop will fit in the tent, so the choice may be somewhat limited, this may also apply for the store during market-season.
For an impression of our store, please see the pictures below.
Our contact details
Zwaard en Volk Korvelseweg 108A 5025JK Tilburg Netherlands T +31 (0) 13 58 028 16 (only during opening hours) IBAN: NL65INGB0004258411 Please note: you can find us at the sign of |